Week in Struggle: February 4-10


On February 10, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) [CPI (Maoist)] released a statement calling for the people from the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Manipur, and Goa to boycott the State Assembly elections occurring from February 10 and March 7. CPI (Maoist) remarked that the ruling-class parties of India had not met the minimum daily needs of the people in the past seven decades since independence from Great Britain and called for agitation, protest, and struggle to win victories.

Last year, Indian peasants carried out a historic struggle which pressured the reactionary Indian State to withdraw the “three agrarian laws,” guarantee a minimum support price, and drop the charges against activists. The three laws include: the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act. The failure of the Indian State to meet these promises is what led to the widespread “Day of Betrayal” protests on January 31. The CPI (Maoist) concluded the statement by calling for the Indian people to boycott the bourgeois elections and take part in the ongoing new democratic revolution in India. (New democratic revolution refers to the type of revolution that forcibly overthrows semi-feudalism, imperialism, and the distorted form of capitalism that imperialism imposes on the country called “bureaucratic capitalism.”)

On February 3, the Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee (DKSZC) of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) [CPI (Maoist)] released a statement condemning the recent bourgeois news frenzy around the so-called “surrender” of Comrade Hidma. Comrade Hidma is a well-known cadre of the CPI (Maoist) suspected of leading several major military attacks against the old Indian state over the last decade. The statement said that the reactionary Indian State engaged in counter-revolutionary propaganda as part of the ongoing Operation ‘Prahaar‘ by falsely claiming that Hidma “surrendered.” The statement declared that Comrade Hidma was in reality with his comrades in the Guerrilla bases of the Dandakaranya region of Chhattisgarh. The statement concluded by calling on the Indian masses to oppose the Indian State’s psychological warfare.


On February 4, militants of the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist (TKP/ML) blocked a road with incendiary devices in eastern Istanbul. TKP/ML militants hung a banner at the site of the road which read, “Glory to our 50 years of struggle.” The militants carried out the action in commemoration of the 50 years since the founding of the TKP/ML in 1972. 


On January 27, Federal University of Paraná students led by the Student Front against Distance Education (Frente Estudantil Contra a Educação a Distância) protested in the streets after it was announced that the return to in-person classes would be delayed further. In Brazil, distance learning has been used to cut funding for education. Students also rely on university campus facilities for food and do not receive adequate education remotely. Students rallied at the Dean’s Office and marched to Santos Andrade Square, a historic place on campus, holding banners that said “Face-to-face classroom now! Down with DE (distance learning)!” and “Defend science and the face-to-face classroom: End DE and hybrid education [the combination of in-person and online classes]!” The support committee in Curitiba for the revolutionary Brazilian newspaper A Nova Democracia  covered the event and distributed the newspaper. At the protest, organizers announced that they would hold their own in-person activities during the first two weeks of February, including public classes and lectures given by the students themselves or by democratic professors.

Between January 30 and 31, the peasants held demonstrations in the city of Maceio, on the eastern coast of Brazil, and marched towards the port. This is the main export location for the large landlords in the state. Protesters carried banners reading, “Against the crisis: take all the land from the latifundium [large landlords]!” and “The people want land! Evictions, no!” Demonstrators demanded a meeting with Governor Renan Filho, who promised land reform if elected. 

Peasants organized by the League of Poor Peasants (LCP, Liga dos Camponeses Pobres), which leads the struggles of poor peasants in Brazil’s countryside for land, demanded that the land on which the peasants have lived and worked for 10 years be recognized as theirs. After negotiating with the port administration, the peasants agreed to meet with the presiding judge of the Court of Justice of Alagoas, Klever Rêgo Loureiro, the next day. On Tuesday, there was a march through the city of Maceio during the morning before the meeting with the Court of Justice. These demonstrations reflected the combativeness and organization of the peasants, who also received support from passersby. 

Graffiti was documented in Parana demanding the release of peasant political prisoner Luzivaldo de Souza Araújo. The graffiti was signed by the organization Alvorada do Povo (People’s Dawn), and read “Immediate freedom for Luzivaldo! Fighting is not a crime!” Luzivaldo is in serious risk of death and is being imprisoned by the State without trial for a crime he did not commit for defending his land.

On February 7 in Rio de Janeiro, students and families from Colégio Pedro II (CPII) and the Federal Center for Technological Education protested, demanding the return of face-to-face classes. Students organized the simultaneous protests in different locations, coordinating across the two colleges. Protesters held banners reading “Back 100% CPII, education is essential.” A Nova Democracia spoke to CPII’s student body president, Ana Catarina, who said that it was the students themselves who decided to protest after receiving the news that the hybrid classes would continue. The Popular Revolutionary Student Movement (MEPR, Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário) signed graffiti reading, “Against EaD [distance learning] and hybrid education! For the return to face-to-face now!”


The revolutionary organization Current of the People – Red Sun (CP-Sol Rojo, Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo) released a statement condemning the reactionary Mexican State’s recent repression of the normalista student movement. Normalistas are students who attend rural teachers’ colleges. The students attending these schools are known for engaging in militant, revolutionary actions, such as burning electoral buildings to demand freedom for political prisoners. 

On February 4, students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College were detained in Guerrero after clashing with the national guard. They intended on raising money and distributing flyers to motorists in support of the 43 Ayotzinapa normalistas disappeared in 2014 by the Mexican State. The 43 disappeared students were preparing to travel to Mexico City to join the annual October 2 march in commemoration of the Tlatelolco Massacre, in which soldiers of the Mexican State shot and killed hundreds of unarmed student demonstrators protesting the 1968 Olympics, which were to be held in Mexico.

On February 8, 10 more normalistas were arrested in Michoacan while demanding the freedom of other arrested normalistas, and for the return of scholarships and food support. CP-Sol Rojo also denounced the old State’s persecution of the National Coordination of Education Workers (CNTE, Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación), who fight for similar demands.


Graffiti was documented in Freiburg relating to the Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg (LLL) demonstration on January 9, alongside graffiti reading, “Reconstitute the KPD (Communist Party of Germany)!” The LLL demonstration is held in honor of historic Communist leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, the founders of the Communist Party of Germany, and the great Vladimir Lenin. The demonstration marks the anniversary of the murder of both Luxemburg and Liebknecht.

On January 31, graffiti was documented in Essen in support of the “Day of Betrayal” proclaimed by Samyukta Kisan Morcha (a coalition of over forty Indian peasant unions) in India. The “Day of Betrayal” was held to protest the Indian State for not fulfilling the promises given at the time of withdrawing the three Agrarian Laws. The graffiti also denounced the counter-revolutionary military operation ‘Prahaar.’


At the end of January, revolutionaries in Spain carried out numerous actions to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of TKP/ML. Graffiti and large banners reading, “50th anniversary of TKP/ML. Long Live the people’s war in Turkey. Week of the Party and fallen martyrs of the revolution” were documented. The Maoist Communist Party (PCM, Partido Comunista Maoista) of Spain signed the graffiti and banners.

On January 29, the PCM participated in a protest in Barcelona against reactionary labor reforms, with revolutionaries distributing leaflets to the participants.

On February 2, the PCM in Spain signed graffiti in Valencia reading, “Today there are letters, tomorrow evictions! The government serves the bourgeoisie [the capitalist ruling class]!” The graffiti denounced the anti-worker practices of the Valencia City Council, which promotes layoffs.

Large posters reading “Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!” were documented in Salamanca, in western Spain.


Revolutionaries in Grenoble, Lyon, and Paris continued promoting the boycott of the 2022 French elections, displaying slogans such as “Politicians, you will not have our vote!” “Down with the 2022 electoral masquerade!” and “The way to change is not in the ballot box but through revolutionary struggle!”

United States

In Austin, Texas, election signs were seen marked with red spray paint crossing out the names of candidates and the slogan, “Elections No! Revolution yes!” as part of the revolutionary boycott of the bourgeois election farce. Primary elections in Texas will be held on March 1, which will determine the candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties in the midterm elections.

Graffiti reading “The proletariat can only have one party reconstitute the Communist Party of the United States!” was documented in Los Angeles, California.

This week in Los Angeles, graffiti with the slogans “Eternal honor and glory to Chairman Gonzalo!” and “Long live Chairman Gonzalo!” were documented. The graffiti is part of the ongoing international campaign to defend the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo and his all-powerful Thought. Chairman Gonzalo died last September. He was asssassinated by the Peruvian State, under orders from US imperialism, after 29 years of physical and psychological torture.

Graffiti reading, “People’s Justice for Daniel Elena Lopez!” and “People’s Justice for Valentina Orellana-Peralta!” were documented in Los Angeles. Daniel and Valentina were murdered by Los Angeles police officer William Dorsey Jones Jr. in December at a Burlington Coat Factory in North Hollywood.

This week in St. Petersburg, Florida, and Greenville, North Carolina, Tribune promotional posters as well as posters promoting Tribune’s Worker Correspondent column were documented. The poster calls on workers to become worker correspondents for Tribune. As correspondents, workers write about their struggles at the workplace in order to unite workers against their class enemies and fight for a new society.


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